Authorised users

Authorised users

In ThePay, you can set up different levels of access rights for authorised users. If you are a self-employed person who does everything themselves, there is nothing much to worry about – the only thing you need to do to gain full access to the system is verify your identity. Yet, there might be situations where you need to provide access to ThePay to several people.

For this reason, you can add and remove users and set the following access levels for them:

  • The basic level is the Passive user access. A user with passive access can move relatively freely within ThePay and view information, but certain sensitive details are hidden from them, and they cannot take any actions related to transferring funds on your accounts. They are also not authorized to add bank accounts for payouts. In short, they have viewing permissions suitable for roles like accountants, tax advisors, etc.
  • The next level is Passive + payment refunds. This level differs from the previous one only in that it additionally allows for processing refunds of paid orders. It's suitable, for example, for someone handling orders on your e-commerce platform.
  • The IT Administrator cannot perform any financial transfers but has active access to Implementation data. They can reset API passwords, configure allowed payment methods, IP addresses, and integrate with e-commerce systems.
  • The full access level is held by the Administrator. However, to have all functions available, they must undergo identity verification in the system.

It's crucial to exercise caution before granting Administrator access to ThePay and always ask whether the person truly needs full control.

Add and remove an authorised user

Authorised users can be added or removed easily and seamlessly in the Authorised users tab, by clicking Add authorised user.

Fill out the authorised user's email address and customer ID (to be provided by the authorised user), set the level of access (passive by default) and enter your password to confirm. This process only applies to situations where the user has already signed up for ThePay and been assigned the customer ID. Otherwise, the user must first sign up for ThePay and obtain the customer ID.

Customer ID

Customer ID is required for security reasons, to avoid accidentally assigning access to authorised users who should not have it. Where the user to be assigned access has not yet signed up for ThePay, they should first sign up. Once successfully signed up, the user will find their customer ID in their user profile. The user can access their user profile from Homepage, by clicking on their name in the upper-right corner and selecting the option My profile. The value displayed in the My customer ID field is exactly what you are looking for – you should obtain it from the user and enter it in the form along with other required information.

Identity verification

To obtain Administrator-level user access to ThePay, identity verification is required. This is purely for security reasons – you do not want anyone unknown to gain full access to your account in ThePay. To gain active access, the user must enter in the form their personal details and permanent address in order to verify their identity and make familiar with the Terms of business and Privacy notice. The rules for using ThePay apply to the user as well – by ticking the checkboxes, the user agrees to be bound by them.

In the next step, they will upload the ID card from both the front and back sides. Then, they will attach a photo of themselves holding the uploaded ID card.

In the final step, they will send a payment of one crown from an account in their name, completing the process. After successful verification on our side, the user will gain access to all active functions corresponding to their level of authorized access.

After successful payment receipt.

Read also:

Systems security

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