
Does the vision of spending weeks on integrating the gateway give you the creeps? No need to panic! ThePay payment gateway comes with a simple API which makes it easy for an experienced developer to integrate the payment gateway in a matter of hours. Plus you can start the integration before setting up the payment gateway.

How to integrate?

Custom online stores

Do you have a custom eshop solution? In this case, you will have to help yourself. Yet, there is nothing to be worried about. Contact your online store developer or administrator and provide them with our technical documentation and step-by-step integration guide.

Hosted online stores

If you run an online store hosted on an eCommerce platform such as Upgates or Shoptet, all you need to do is install the relevant ThePay plug-in. No developer is required as integration has never been easier!

Open-source online stores

Check if there is a ready plugin for your system. You can find their overview on, for example. If you can't find it there, please proceed as if you would have your custom eshop solution.

For full integration guide go to Help.

API documentation

Use this API.

API documentation

Deployment packages

You can also use the preprocessor.

PHP package

Custom online stores

Check if your provider has our payment gateway in the list of acceptable payment methods.

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