Gateway pre-launch steps

Gateway pre-launch steps

Step one completed – you are now registered with ThePay! Now the real ride begins. We believe that you are interested in using the payment gateway. Before you get started with this great service, let's get the next steps straight together. Read the following statements and if you answer yes to all of them, there's nothing stopping you from getting started.

1) My project meets all the essential requirements

Whether you are just starting out or have an existing online store, make sure you meet all the essential requirements for launching the payment gateway.

2) My scope of business is out of prohibited categories of products and services

Double check that your products and services are not listed in the schedule of prohibited products and services.

3) I have a solution for integrating the payment gateway

Integrating the payment gateway is a fast and straightforward process, depending on whether you have a custom online store or an online store built on a paid or open-source platform or use a modular solution.

4) I know how the payment gateway works

The payment gateway comes with a lot of useful features that can help your business grow. But you already know that, right?

5)I am familiar with the terms and pricing

The last thing worth notice is our terms and pricing under which we provide our services. Please read them carefully in order to avoid future misunderstandings.

Read also:

Payment gateway set-up guide

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feel free to reach out to us and we will look for a solution.

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