Prohibited and high-risk categories

Prohibited and high-risk products and services

Our payment gateway is not available to all merchants. It cannot, logically, be used for payments for products and services whose marketing and sale is prohibited by law. In some matters, our hands are tied by the rules of card associations or banks.

Below is an indicative list of products and services that are either prohibited or categorised for some reason as high risk. The list may be updated from time to time, with or without our involvement. In some cases, individual exceptions may be made subject to strictly defined criteria. If your products or services have been classified as high risk, you may be charged an additional fee as specified in our fee schedule.

Prohibited products and services

If you offer any of the products or services or engage in any of the business activities shown below, we cannot provide you with our payment gateway services.

  • any illegal activities (including child pornography, trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, poisons, precursors, etc.)
  • activities, products or services infringing intellectual property rights and consumer rights (copyright, industrial property rights, trademarks, etc.)
  • products and services that infringe and/or are reasonably believed to infringe the law (including EU law, international treaties)
  • activities inciting and/or promoting violence, racial intolerance, discrimination and hatred
  • pornography, adult products, dating services
  • escort services, erotic chat rooms, erotic webcams
  • other business models as determined by us, in our discretion
High-risk products and services

Our payment gateway services may be available subject to individual circumstances. However, do not be afraid to register, or consult with us in advance about your business model. We certainly don't want to put unnecessary obstacles in your way of doing business.

  • ticket selling, lodging
  • travel agents
  • alcohol sales
  • prescription medicines
  • dietary supplements, pharmaceutical products, medical goods and services
  • selling of respirators, coronavirus tests, etc.
  • credit financing, insurance sales, pension funding, charitable donations
  • financial services
  • weapons, ammunition, pyrotechnic products
  • aviation
  • astrology, horoscopes, fortune telling
  • marketing services (direct marketing, telemarketing).
  • cloud services, filesharing, web hosting, storage
  • travel agencies
  • political or religious campaigning
  • discount websites, crowdfunding platforms
  • products and services traded with delivery in the future
  • intermediation business models
  • products for hire
  • trading in stamps, coins, antiques, art
  • modelling and talent agencies
  • detective and security agencies, private investigators
  • training and workshops (business and/or investment training and workshops)
  • consultancy agencies
  • sale of used goods, sale of used cars, sale of new cars
  • one-off events
  • game keys, digital keys, SW licences, e-books
  • social campaigning
  • CBD/hemp-related food and products
  • tobacco products, smoking and vaping supplies, etc.
  • gambling and lotteries, insurance sales and services
  • other business models as determined by us, in our discretion

Read also:

Payment gateway set-up guide

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