
Automated real-time payments

Sender is an application designed for companies that need to deliver payments to their customers in real time, without entering payment details manually. With our smart API, you can send automated payments to all Czech banks at any time.

Fast and automated payments

No more manual entering payment details and authorising payments in online banking via a smartcard or passcode texted to your phone on a transaction-by-transaction basis. With Sender, you can make all your payments automatically – with or without your unique payment identifiers. You can send payments to all banks from one place without having to have all the bank accounts. With the user-friendly GUI, you can display and view all your transactions and export the data to a number of different formats, including GPC, CSV, XML and other.

More efficient and reliable processes

As manual sending of payments is extremely time-consuming and prone to a high error rate, Sender is a perfect solution wherever there is a need to send a large number of payments in real time. With Sender, you can save workforce costs and reduce the risk of error to zero.

Easy setup

Contact us and together we will work out how Sender can help you. We will sign a contract and set up your account in no time. You will be given access to our administration where you can see your transactions and/or balance and top up your credit.


Sender is easy to operate. All you need to do is connect to our API though which your system will give payment instructions to Sender.

Our customers

Sender's combination of efficiency, automation and years of know-how make it a go-for solution for lending and financing companies such as Home Credit. Besides lending companies, Sender is used by the earned wage access provider Advanto.

Check out our customer testimonials and reviews

“We help others kick start their dreams and projects. ThePay with its features, in turn, helps us. Online card payments are fast and the gateway administration is straightforward and intuitive.”

Stanislav Rejthar, Startovač.cz

Get ThePay
How can we help you?
Call us (Mo–Fr, 9:00 am –5:00 pm)
+420 565 554 910
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