If you run your online store on Shoptet and have the previous version of our payment gateway integrated into it and want to know what the new version can offer, simply upgrade to ThePay 2.0. First of all, however, sign up for our new ThePay. Once you have all the administrative niceties completed, uninstall the old plug-in and install the new one. Yes, it is as simple as it is. You can see all the steps, one by one, below.
Go to the Shoptet main menu and select Link, Plug-in management and Payments. Find ThePay plug-in and select the option Uninstall. In the dialogue window, enter the reason for uninstalling the plug-in (upgrade from ThePay 1.0 to ThePay 2.0) and uninstall the plug-in.
Click here, select the paid plan, install the plug-in and voila, you are done! We told you it was easy!
If you cannot find an answer to your question,
feel free to reach out to us and we will look for a solution.
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