Fill in the email and phone fields. Please make sure you enter your real email and phone number as these will serve as your credentials to secure login to ThePay user account.
Consent to the processing of personal information is voluntary. If you give us your consent, we may send you marketing and promotional communications. We recommend that you tick the box so that we can keep you up to date with the latest news and information. You can withdraw your consent easily in ThePay, at any time. However, the consent to the creation of your ThePay user account is required. By giving your consent, you are accepting and consenting to our Terms of business.
You will receive an email with a link to login into the user account created for you. On first login, you will be prompted to create your password and verify your phone number. Create a secure password.
To verify your phone number you will receive a text message with a verification code. Enter the code and submit.
Here we go. At this point, you should now be logged in ThePay. You can navigate through the menu freely and, most importantly, use a variety of services. What about starting with our marvellous payment gateway?
If you cannot find an answer to your question,
feel free to reach out to us and we will look for a solution.
Aby naše webové stránky fungovaly správně, našli jste na nich, co hledáte, ušetřili spoustu času a nezobrazovaly se vám věci, které vás nezajímají, potřebujeme od vás souhlas se zpracováním souborů cookies, tj. malých souborů, které se ukládají ve vašem prohlížeči.