I love it here and we are a great team. And I must admit it always makes me very happy to read in discussions how great our customer support is. It really warms my heart.
Lucie Bradáčová HelpdeskI have always had a strong desire to be involved in everything that goes on around me and ThePay has given me the opportunity to realise my potential. Here, I can influence stuff with my ideas, from minor modifications in the user interface to the long-term vision of the company – and I really enjoy it.
Jiří Dajč Project ManagerI left my previous job because I did not feel I was being held accountable for my outcomes and it was giving me restless nights. Here, it is the opposite. I am developing a new payment gateway and web applications – I am always very busy and my coffee cup is always topped up :-)
Vojta Brožek SW DeveloperReach out to us
and let us know that you are interested!
Aby naše webové stránky fungovaly správně, našli jste na nich, co hledáte, ušetřili spoustu času a nezobrazovaly se vám věci, které vás nezajímají, potřebujeme od vás souhlas se zpracováním souborů cookies, tj. malých souborů, které se ukládají ve vašem prohlížeči.